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“I Want to Help.”

We need more brave people like you.


Spread the Word on Social Media

Share these posts with your family and friends to help raise awareness for this important cause and use the hashtag #BeBrave4Kids. Here are some examples to help you join the conversation.

Sample Facebook Posts

  • April is National Child Abuse Awareness Month! Be brave for kids! We all make a difference when it comes to protecting children. How will you stand up for those who can’t defend themselves? Visit to learn more. #BeBrave4Kids
  • Do you know how to recognize the signs and symptoms of child abuse? Visit #BeBrave4Kids
  • If you work with children in your profession, you are most likely considered a mandated reporter of child abuse. Please remember that suspicion of abuse is all that is necessary to file a report. Your information can be given anonymously. You will be asked to describe your concerns about the child. It will be helpful if you can provide the child’s name, age, address, gender, school, and parents’ names. If you don’t have all of that, just provide the info you can. Visit to learn more. #BeBrave4Kids

Sample Tweets

  • Will you be brave for kids with me in April (Child Abuse Prevention Month)? Visit to learn more. #BeBrave4Kids
  • Let’s talk to our kids about abuse. Visit to learn more. #BeBrave4Kids
  • April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Learn about it at #BeBrave4Kids
  • If you work with children in your profession, you are most likely considered a mandated reporter of child abuse. #BeBrave4Kids
  • Do you know how to recognize the signs and symptoms of child abuse? Visit #BeBrave4Kids


We can’t do what we do without courageous people like you dedicating your valuable time and talents. Bivona Child Advocacy Center has opportunities ranging from working in the family reception/waiting room and at special events, to marketing and communications, graphic design, and data entry. Our intention is to provide a meaningful, productive experience for you.

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Take the Pledge

Make the pledge to help kids who have endured the trauma of sexual and physical abuse. They deserve your strength and support. Commit to breaking down communication barriers and social stigmas of silence and shame by putting children first each and every day.

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Attend Bivona’s Annual Child Abuse Summit

The Bivona Child Abuse Summit is nationally recognized as the premier child abuse conference in the Northeast region for its cutting-edge multidisciplinary training for social workers, law enforcement, prosecutors, mental health and medical professionals, school personnel, day care providers, the faith-based community, and more.

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Enroll in Darkness to Light Stewards of Children Workshop

This two-hour workshop teaches adults how to better protect children from abuse because children often cannot protect themselves. As an adult, you may be their only line of defense.

Learn More »

Who should attend?

  • Educators
  • Coaches
  • Childcare providers
  • Youth-serving organizations
  • Faith-based community members
  • Adult family members
  • And any other adults who care about the welfare of children

Workshop goals:

  • Increase knowledge of child abuse
  • Remove stigma about child abuse
  • Change child protective behaviors

You’ll learn the 5 steps to protection:

  • Learn the facts
  • Minimize opportunity
  • Talk about it
  • Recognize the signs
  • React responsibly

Anonymity Policy: We know reporting or even suspecting child abuse can cause worry and fear. To ensure your information is confidential, we do not track or record your phone, computer, or any device that accesses this site. This website was created by a non-profit organization.